Horan Power Engineering Ltd,
Honeycomb West, Honeycomb,
Chester Business Park, Chester CH4 9QH

Orange Card

Authorisation management system

Orange Card

Orange Card is Horan Power Engineering’s authorisation management system. Already being used by multinational OEMs to manage electrical authorisations, the Orange Card system streamlines authorisation checking on site, providing certainty that you are interacting with a competent person.

The cards use a QR code to direct you to the cardholder’s profile, meaning no specialist equipment is required to check the authorisations – only an internet connected smartphone, tablet or computer with a webcam.

The Orange Card system was developed as part of Horan Power Engineering’s high voltage network management system, but can be used in any sector where competence of workers needs to be verified – providing an all in one competence checking service.

Applications include checking workers for:

  • Electrical competence
  • Working at height
  • Confined spaces
  • First aid
  • Fitness to work
  • Training to operate equipment

Backed up by Horan Power Engineering’s experienced team, authorisations and qualifications are checked and stored to create a user profile for each worker, authorising them according to the client’s specifications. Profiles can be updated instantly without sending out additional paperwork, meaning new qualifications or authorisations can be added or removed at any time. The Orange Card system also logs when each card has been checked, allowing easy audit of site checking procedures.

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